“What makes a business Referral Worthy to you?”

I’ve interviewed almost 30 people for my podcast Referral Worthy now, and if you’ve been listening in, you know that I ask everyone the same question at the end of the interview.  

What’s fascinating is that every single person has said some version of the exact same thing.

“I have to trust you’ll do what you say you’re going to do.”

“I need to know you’re going to treat my people with kindness and care.” 

Trust. Integrity. Character. 

They don’t say, “You have to be the absolute best in the biz at what you do.”

Obviously, you have to be good at what you do, but that is just the beginning.

The truth is, doing good work is not enough to build trust as a service provider, and it’s not enough to be considered Referral Worthy. 

So that leads us to an interesting and potentially uncomfortable place - asking where we’re falling short.

Now, most of the people I work with are harder on themselves than anyone else ever could be, and that’s not what I want here. What I do want is an honest inquiry into where you could potentially improve in your business.

I want you to ask yourself…

  • When you onboard a new client, does it feel like a smooth, professional process - or are you reinventing the wheel every time?
  • While the work is being done, do you go dark on comms leaving your client wondering where deliverables are (regardless of if they’re due or not yet)? 
  • What’s your aftercare like? Do you provide the kind of experience that leaves people feeling fine? Or are they looking forward to working together again the next time they need a project like this handled?

If your answers to these questions feel less than complete, then I’d like to invite you to join me for the next 8 weeks to build out the infrastructure + systems to create a truly Referral Worthy business.

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Referral Worthy: Become the go-to name in your niche

An 8-week live course + group program that runs Sept 16th - Nov 8th 2024

Course structure:

You already know 80% of what you need to do, but let's be real.

Without the time and space set aside to do it, plus a healthy dose of accountability, you're not gonna do it.

And you know you're not gonna do it, because you and I both know the shit should be done already. (If you joined me for Booked Solid Bootcamp, you know exactly what I'm talking about.)

That's why instead of creating another course with a bunch of content you don't need anyway, the weekly trainings are all 15-20 minutes. The rest of the time we're spending together is for asking questions and building it out.

As for that last 20%? That's what'll get you to the sustainable, booked solid place you want to be - that's what's going to make you Referral Worthy.

Here's what you'll learn + leave with.

Course goals:

  • Understand what it takes to create a Referral Worthy business 
  • Diagnose what’s keeping your business from getting more referrals 
  • Create the roadmap and implement the needed changes to become more Referral Worthy 

Course outcomes:

  • Lay the foundation for a business that is the easy and obvious choice to refer
  • Build relationships and referral partnerships that last
  • Become confident with regular outreach
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Not sure if this is for you?

Let me lay it out for you.

This course is for:

  • People who currently run a business that provides a service (Copywriters, designers, coaches, etc.) 
  • People who want to offer/launch a new service (whether or not it’s related to their current business) 
  • People who want to focus on doing more of what they do instead of having to learn how to be marketers 

If you like an intimate, hands-on, community-focused experience, you're gonna love Referral Worthy.


Week 1: The business you have vs. the business you want

  • Identify missing trust indicators
  • Audit your sales process
  • Set goals for where you want to be by the end of the program

Week 2: Clarity + Messaging

  • What you actually do vs. what people think you do (or more likely, what’s confusing people)
  • Offer audit + refinement 

Week 3: Creating a great experience

  • Audit your onboarding/offboarding
  • Uplevel your project roadmap

Week 4: Building and nurturing relationships

  • Networking without being a dick
  • How to maintain contact + provide value over time
  • How to find your people

Week 5: Incentivizing Referrals

  • Exploring referral bonuses, discounts, exclusive access, and other options
  • When it makes sense, and when it doesn’t

Week 6: Working with Referrals

  • Tracking and measuring referrals: Identifying valuable sources, measuring success, and refining your strategies
  • Handling referrals with care, making a great first impression, and managing expectations

Week 7: Social proof 

  • How to collect and create compelling testimonials
  • Case studies + do’s and don’ts

Week 8: Get booked solid

  • A final challenge to fill your pipeline through the end of the year!

Why Join?

Because if you build it right, you can have a successful service-based small business that runs entirely on referrals.

I know it's true because I do, and so do most of my clients. It might sound too good to be true, but I'd like to remind you of one teeny, tiny fact.

Businesses existed before the internet.

And somehow? A whole lotta those businesses ended up extremely successful.

Would you like to be one of them?



Cohort max: 12 people

Investment: $997, or upgrade to add a 1:1 with me during the program for $1497.

Estimated time commitment: 4-5 hours per week

Timing Details: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:00am PST

Payment Options:

Official Bio:

Dusti Arab is a fractional CMO and the founder of the reinvention co, a marketing consultancy specializing in working with personality-driven companies with small teams.

Intense, fun, and relentlessly practical, Dusti understands the lives of small business owners are deeply intertwined with their businesses, and if their marketing is going to be sustainable, it can’t get in the way of why they do what they do. (And honestly? It should be fun so they actually want to do it.)

She is the host of Referral Worthy, a podcast for small business owners ready to go from “best kept secret” to the go-to name in their niche.

Areas + Industries I have deep knowledge and experience working in: Self-help and productivity, SAAS tech companies, social media, copywriting, course creation, book marketing (traditional and self-published), international and domestic virtual assistant staffing firms.